
Production companies often have separate problems of a legal nature. This can be location problems, planning and building-related circumstances, working environment problems, product liability, contractual circumstances with support functions and sub-contractors, etc. Several of our lawyers have been employed as industrial lawyers and have first-hand knowledge of these problems.

In addition, regarding production companies, the law governing tax and public charges gives particular challenges that require special competence. We have that competence at Advokatfirmaet Sverdrup DA. This also concerns not only regular operation, but also situations where co-operation with, or acquisition of / merger with other companies is the industrially correct solution.

We contribute to clients finding the optimum solution, and ensure that the legal aspect of such projects is satisfied according to the requirements laid down by Act or other rules.

We also assist with:
  • Contracts regarding selective distribution
  • Sole distributor contracts
  • Agency contracts
  • Commission contracts
  • Franchise contracts
  • Memorandums of Association etc. in the establishment of companies, subsidiaries or branches.

Akersgata 1, 0158 Oslo
+47 22 42 27 00
+47 22 42 27 01

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